Sunday 27 April 2014

10 Interesting Facts About Human Behaviour..!!


1. Roughly speaking, losing something makes you twice as miserable as gaining the same thing makes you happy.

2. To increase happiness, try walking in a more relaxed way, swinging your arms slightly more and putting more of a spring in your step. Also, try making more expressive hand gestures during conversations, nod your head more when others are speaking, wear more colourful clothing, use positively charged emotional words more (especially ‘love’, ‘like’, and ‘fond’), use fewer self-references (‘me,’ ‘myself’ , and ‘I’), have a larger variation in the pitch of your voice, speak slightly faster, and have a significantly firmer handshake.

3. On average, those who eat with one other person eat about 35 per cent more than they do when they are alone; members of a group of four eat about 75 per cent more; those in groups of seven or more eat 96 per cent more.

4. Obesity is contagious; you’re more likely to be overweight if you have a lot of overweight friends.

5. If you want to increase your chances of making a good impression in a meeting, sit toward the middle of the table.

 6. People develop a special fondness for other people, objects and statements if they are introduced to them while eating a meal. The effect may be attributable to the fact that good food puts people in a happy mood and can cause them to make faster, and more impulsive, decisions.
7. Long-term couples will feel more attracted to each other when they regularly engage in novel and exciting joint activities that involve working together to achieve a goal.

8. If two people live together for a long time, they start to look like each other. They grow to look alike partly because of nutrition – shared diets and eating habits – but much of the effect is simple imitation of facial expressions. 

9. People who use lots of swear words tend to be more honest and trustworthy.

10. Human behaviour is very strange, they have ego of their knowledge, but they don't have knowledge of their ego.

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