Sunday 13 July 2014

14 Kinds Of Cousins You’ll Find In Every Indian Family

1. The Goofball Cousin
He’s the one who makes the jokes at all the family get-together and functions. He loves being the family jester and the undisputed centre of attention. 

2. The Over-Achieving Cousin Sister
There’s an over-achieving sister in every family. She has at least three degrees, has probably studied abroad, written a book or two and has a high paying job while juggling a family at the same time.

3. The Playboy Elder Brother
He’s the care-free, happy go lucky womanizer all the boys in the family idolize and wish to emulate. But that’s easier said than done. Because you can’t acquire the game, you’re born with it.

4. The Responsible One
Remember Salman khan’s character from Baghban? This cousin is the real life version of the reel life “sanskaari” Alok. They’re polite, studious and impeccably mannered; and more often than not, whenever you do something stupid, you are told to “Kuch seekho ussey!” 

5. The Terrible Twosome
They’re always a pair. And they’re always about the same age. Individually, they are sheep. But together, they are lions. Annoying, sarcastic, boisterous little lions who make fun of everyone in the family and get away with it because “ye toh abhi bacchey hain.”

6. The Kindergarten Squad
Little children are cute, but they can be slightly annoying at times. Now imagine a whole bunch of toddlers running around the place, laughing, crying, screaming and pooping at the drop of a hat. And they’re all related.

7. The Shy Cousin
She is shy. Like really, really shy. You’ve probably never heard a word from their mouth. And when you have, it was an indiscernible squeak. When the cousins get together, she’s the one who makes an excuse and bolts as soon as possible.

8. The Vagabond
He’s often used as a cautionary tale in the family. “Whatever you do, don’t end up like him.” But you don’t care, because he’s the most chilled out person you’ve ever met.

9. The “Foren” Cousins
They’re the ones who stay in “Emreeka” or “Kaneda” and fly down to meet you once every 5 years or so. Every time they visit, their accent becomes thicker and thicker.

10. The Cousins You Only See At A Wedding
That is literally the first time you ever see them .You wave at them, smile and then wait awkwardly for someone to introduce you to them.

11. The Doting Cousin Sister
This is especially true for guys who are single kids or only have brothers in their own family. You always have that one cousin sister who thinks the world of you. And even if she lives far from you, every time you receive her “rakhi” in the mail on Rakshabandhan, you smile from ear to ear. 

12. The Artistic Cousin
He’s the cousin with whom you can’t have a conversation without feeling like you know nothing about culture and the arts.

13. The Cousin With All The Advice
You try to avoid him, but in the end, he finds you anyway. He’s usually way older than you and has a family of his own. But since he can’t lecture his wife or his toddlers, he grabs you and starts telling you everything that he has learnt in life so far.

14. The Cousin You Love To Hang Out With
Your favourite cousin. The cousin with whom you have an effortless rapport with and can to for hours. 

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